Larry Myette, MD

CREDENTIALS: Occupational Medicine
EXPERT: Occupational Medicine


Dr. Myette is certified as a specialist in Occupational Medicine by the American Board of Preventive Medicine and has practiced for 35 years in both clinical and executive management roles. He is a former Command Surgeon (senior medical officer) of the Canadian Navy, Regional Medical Officer (BC & the Yukon) for the Occupational Health and Safety Agency of Health Canada, and the Director of Strategic Workplace Health and Occupational Medicine Consultant for Healthcare Benefit Trust. He has also served as a Medical Advisor for the Mental Health Claims Unit at WorkSafeBC and provided consultant services on several Work Disability Prevention and Mental Health in the Workplace projects. He currently leads Healthy Horizons Corporate Health Consulting, a firm that provides both Occupational Health and Organizational Development services to improve worker health, engagement and productivity.

Dr. Myette has a special interest in preventing the needless work disability often associated with common mental conditions seen in the workplace. His leadership in initiatives such as the Depression in the Workplace Collaborative, the BC Summit to Prevent Needless Work Disability, the BC Collaborative for Disability Prevention and the BC and Global Business and Economic Round Tables on Mental Health have helped increase awareness and focus attention on mental health as a critical occupational health issue. As a result of his efforts to educate other Occupational Medicine physicians on the subject of depression in the workplace, Dr. Myette was chosen as the recipient of the 2010 Health Achievement in Occupational Medicine by the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.


Bilsker, D., Gilbert, M., Myette, T.L. & Stewart-Patterson, C. (2004). Depression & Work Function: Bridging The Gap Between Mental Health Care & The Workplace.

Myette, T.L. (2008). Integrated Management of Depression: Improving System Quality and Creating Effective Interfaces. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Vol 50(4), pp. 482-491.

Caruso, G.M. & Myette, T.L. (Eds). (2008). Special Issue: Depression In The Workplace. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Vol 50(4).


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